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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Gerakan Pramuka

Gerakan Pramuka

The Rover Scout Council of Gerakan Pramuka from 34 Provinces Held Coordination Meeting

Posted: 07 Nov 2016 11:03 PM PST


National Scout Council (NSC) of Gerakan Pramuka held a preparatory coordination meeting from 4 to 6 November 2017 at Adhi Jaya Hotel, Kuta, Bali. (Picture : Heni/Public Relations Kwarnas))

Heading Raimuna 2017, National Scout Council (NSC) of Gerakan Pramuka held a preparatory coordination meeting from 4 to 6 November 2017 at Adhi Jaya Hotel, Kuta, Bali.

Raimuna is the meeting of Rover Scouts and Adventurer Scouts in form of a large camp which organized by Kwartir Nasional Gerakan Pramuka. Raimuna held from sub-distric level of Gerakan Pramuka to the national level.

Kak Yudha Adhyaksa, NSC Chairman of Gerakan Pramuka said this coordination meeting was to strengthen unity of Rover Scout Council considering that there will be great activities that will be faced in 2017. One of these is the National Raimuna in August 2017 in Jakarta.

"This activity was attended by 68 representatives of the Governing Council from 34 provinces in Indonesia and the NSC members, ” Yudha said in a written statement, Sunday (6/11).

Furthermore Yudha explained, there are two main agenda in the coordination meetings. Which is about the internal Works Council and the next is providing input to the successes of Raimuna 2017.

"According to the message of the Chairman of Gerakan Pramuka, Kak Adhyaksa, all activities in Scouting must be prepared perfectly, “said Yudha

Coordination Meeting was opened by Kak Abdul Sobur (Vice Chairman of Gerakan Pramuka), accompanied by Kak Susi Yuliati (Vice Chairman of Gerakan Pramuka), also attended by Kak Rizal Kotta and Kak Hariqo Wibawa Satria, both of them are Andalan Nasional Gerakan Pramuka.

"The national Jamboree with 25 thousand participants successfully held. Kak Adhyaksa expect, now the National Raimuna should be more successful, I’m sure that you can do the best. Therefore, used this meeting as a platform to know each other among committees, so that the communication when Raimuna 2017 will be running well," said Kak Abdul Sobur.

Meanwhile, Kak Hariqo Wibawa Satria explained about the evaluation of publications and documentation of National Jamboree in August 2016 ago. He said, one of the key successes of publications and documentation is compelling content, and good relations with all stakeholders.

Before the National Jamboree, we held many competitions-based social media, journalists were also very helpful. We were also helped by volunteers from various local media, there were PR of Kwarda and Kwarcab, essentially National Jamboree 2016 ago was a collaboration of many parties, this is a precious experience that we have to do better in the National Raimuna, “said Hariqo. (Heni/Public Relations Kwarnas)

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