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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Gerakan Pramuka

Gerakan Pramuka

THE Important Qualities OF NARCISSISTIC Identity DISORDER

Posted: 23 Nov 2016 01:00 AM PST

THE Important Qualities OF NARCISSISTIC Identity DISORDER

Essential features of any personality problem inside of the Diagnostic and Statistical Handbook of Psychological Issues IV (DSM-IV) normally are people manifested by an impairment of personality and pathological individuality features. Individuals with style ailments demonstrate characteristic styles of cognition, affectivity, interpersonal interactions and impulse regulate. Narcissistic Personality Problem (NPD) is expressly characterised by elevated grandiosity, preoccupation with self, aggression and a exceptional perception of uniqueness. These make the patients considerably less empathetic to others.

The cognitive perform of clients with identity problems is influenced like which the way the best way they think about themselves together with other families is impaired. Individuals with NPD exhibit an elevated feeling of grandiosity get exaggerated expectations of successes, brilliance, potential, ideally suited enjoy, magnificence and they think that they are incomparable or special. NPD is connected with psychosis, schizophrenia, paranoia, suicide, melancholy, insufficient enthusiasm, hypochondria, hypersensitivity and addictive or delinquent behavior. These benefits are typical in psychiatric ailments and so they can as a result be categorized as comorbidities or differential diagnoses.

Cognitive malfunctions can expose the client to actual physical of social risk. The sufferers may well grown into tragic when immediately after being grandiose and tormented by guiltless despair, they fully grasp and realize that they’ve got not understood their ambitions. When their goals of creativity and self-expression haven’t been attained, they encounter disgrace. The individuals might also cultivate low self-esteem. The men and women could very well be explained as self-depleted considering the fact that they put up with empty melancholy arising from unachieved ambitions and not enough ideals. People with character issues typically have got a malfunction in their affectivity. In a few style problems, sufferers are constricted emotionally when in some people they are excessively emotional. Patients usually vary in between these extremes. People with NPD are generally excessively arrogant with top-quality and disdainful attitudes and no empathy for the folks available them. In addition they grow acute mood swings. The affectivity trouble trigger interpersonal challenges due to the fact the client along with other everyday people have trouble in relating with one another. The patients then present contempt, depreciation and devaluation of other individuals. They developed into tremendously jealous and they’re unable to obtain from most people.

Interpersonal situations are virtually everyday to all personality problems. There’re the distinguishing element involving identity disorders and various mental ailments which can be mostly just characterized by worries with impulse regulate and popular affective and cognitive qualities. The narcissistic, antisocial, obsessive compulsive and histrionic style problems are all characterised by an inclination to or motivation for dominance in interactions. People with NPD particularly have got a superior desire for admiration. Individuals with narcissistic, histrionic and dependent character issues have higher degrees of affiliation behavior as they’ve got a need for admiration, attention and help respectively. To summarize, sufferers with NPD can display exaggerated rage, humiliation or shame when criticized, use others for personal obtain without the need of contemplating them, be exceptionally grandiose, exaggerate achievements or abilities, be occupied with fantasies of outstanding really enjoy or lifespan, have unreasonably huge anticipations, continually need to get admiration, deficiency empathy, be obsessive about self-interest and also have egocentric aims. The impairment while in the cognitive operate helps make the patients possess the completely wrong perceptions of themselves along with many people, which is exhibited as grandiosity. The impairment in affectivity makes the individuals excessively disdainful and arrogant to other people. The impairment in interpersonal traits makes them hold the ought for admiration.

Saka Kencana Adakan Pemilihan Duta Generasi Berencana Tingkat Nasional

Posted: 22 Nov 2016 08:10 AM PST

Foto: Humas Kwarnas

Foto: Humas Kwarnas

Jakarta – Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) melalui Saka Kencana Gerakan Pramuka mengadakan Penataran dan Lokakarya (Pentaloka) ke IV di The Highland Park Resort Bogor 21-25 November 2016.

Kegiatan ini mengambil tema “Generasi Berencana (Genre): Generasi Berkarakter dan Penuh‎ Karya.” Tujuanya mencari satu orang putra dan putri dari kontingan daerah di 34 provinsi untuk dijadikan sebagai Duta Genre Nasional.

‎Kak Siti Fatonah, selaku Ketua Panitia mengatakan, bahwa peserta terdiri dari Dewan Kerja Daerah Pramuka 34 orang, Pramuka Saka Kencana Provinsi 34 orang, Duta Genre putra provinsi 34 orang, dan Duta ‎Genre Putri Provinsi 34 orang.

“Mereka para duta-duta ini sudah lebih dulu bersaing di tingkat provinsi. Lalu sekarang kita seleksi lagi untuk mengambil dua orang satu putra satu putri sebagai Duta Genre di tingkat nasional,” ujar Kak Siti di Bogor, Senin (21/11/2016).

Menurutnya, untuk menjadi duta nasional ada beberapa syarat, tindak hanya kecerdasan intelektual yang diandalkan. Tapi juga sikap dan karakternya harus sesuai. “Jadi kepribadian kita nilai, pengetahuan atau kecakapan juga kita nilai. Karya mereka, mereka berkarya atau tidak juga kita nilai, ” jelasnya.

Karya yang dimaksud yakni, kegiatan mereka selama menjadi Duta Genre provinsi selama satu tahun terakhir apa saja. “Kemudian kita juga akan menilai bagaimana cara mereka melakukan bakti masyarakat. Karena kan nanti mereka diminta untuk bakti ke masyarakat, ini juga kita nilai, karena akan ketahuan benar apa tidak,” tambahnya.

Adapun kaitanya dengan Pramuka yakni, diambil dari sisi pendidikan karakternya. Ia mengatakan, program BKKBN masih banyak dalam tataran teori. Sementara Pramuka dalam wilayah praktiknya mereka sudah banyak yang teruji, terutama dalam membangun karakter yang kuat.

“Pramuka itu sudah sering berlatih, setiap hari, setiap minggu selalu ada pelatihan, sehingga pendidikan karakternya sudah teruji, disiplin, tanggung jawab, mandiri dan kuat. Sementara di program Genre mereka masih dasar dan sangat teoritis,” terangnya.

Ketua BKKBN Kak Surya Candra Surapaty mengatakan, Duta Genre ini punya tanggung jawab untuk melakukan peningkatan pemahaman, pengetahuan, serta sikap dan perilaku positif remaja. ‎Pengetahuan yang dimaksud yakni bagaimana remaja bisa menghindari seks pranikah, mencegah pernikahan dini, dan narkoba.

“Saya harapan mereka bisa menjadi generasi yang bisa merencanakan masa depannya untuk tidak terlibat dalam pernikahan dini, seks pra nikah dan narkoba. Itu salam Genre itu. Kita ingin membangun generasi anak muda melalui kegiatan semacam ini,” jelasnya.

Kak Surya selaku Ketua Majelis Pembimbing Saka Kencana mengingatkan, bahwa Indonesia selalu dihadapkan pada masalah kependudukan. Dimana jumlah peningkatan penduduk tidak dibarengi dengan tingkat pendidikan, kesehatan, dan ekonomi masyarakatnya. Sehingga, berdampak buruk bagi keberlangsungan bangsa.

‎”Jumlah peningkatan penduduk ini perlu dicegah, dengan kembali mengingatkan program BKKBN bahwa dua orang cukup, putra putri tidak adanya bedanya, bahagia sejahtera,” tutupnya.‎(HA)

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