Gerakan Pramuka mobilised Scouts in different locations as it launched three environmental projects under the Messengers of Peace aimed at restoring coral reef, saving rivers and coastal areas.
Seeing the river as another source of life, Scouts initiated the project “Saving the Planet, One River at a Time” where 100 local Scouts worked together in cleaning up the Pesanggrahan River at Lebak in South Jakarta. Scouts went around the villages to talk about the damaging effects of littering and provided them with river-friendly guidelines. Today, with the cleaning up of Pesanggrahan River, around 5400 residents enjoy having a clean and healthy place.
In Semarang City, since the Mangrove Trees – Saving Indonesia’s Coast project was initiated, Scouts have already covered 75-hectare coastal area by planting mangrove trees. Under this project, Scouts were equipped how to plant mangrove trees, develop skills in coastal ecology conservation which will benefit over 8,000 people. Presently, Scouts are continuing the work by filling up the remaining 85-hectare area with mangroves.
Scout leaders working on the project believe that it is vital for the community to understand the importance of a healthy environment. And having young people as the messengers will increase the communities’ overall knowledge as they have the drive to share experiences with their friends and families.
The three different projects in Indonesia become the platform of MoP to reinforce its goal by spreading peace through sustainable environment.
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