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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Facts & Figures

10:34:00 AM
Fact Sheets These fact sheets contain information about WOSM, its history, events and Founder. They are the downloadable versions of the &...


10:21:00 AM
There are more than 30 million Scouts, youth and adults, boys and girls, in 161 countries. Find out about Scouting in different parts of the...


10:17:00 AM
February 22nd marks the birthday of Lord Robert Baden-Powell the founder of the Scout Movement. Coincidentally, B-P (born in 1857) and his w...

Fact Sheets

10:07:00 AM
These fact sheets contain information about WOSM, its history, events and Founder. They are the downloadable versions of the 'facts &...